Top 5 Programming languages to learn in 2021

Suhas Kadu
5 min readMay 9, 2021


It has been 5 months of the 2021, most of us in India are still stuck in our home. Then why not utilize this time to upgrade some skills and build something. So for those who are beginners in coding or those who want to learn a new language, here are the top 5 programming languages which you can learn in 2021. In this blog I have discussed about the difficulty level of learning the languages and their applications. So now lets look at each language one by one.


Developed by Brendan Eich, JavaScript is a scripting or programming language. It is the most popular language in today’s world and has fixed its root deeper in today’s web. The Best part is it can be used as frontend or backend language. JavaScript is very easy to learn . Today most of the newbies will prefer JS or Python because they are easy to learn and also have a simple syntax. If you are from non-coding background or don’t want to start with C/C++ JS is best for you. Also once you learn JS you could move to the frameworks(assumed you are familiar with HTML, CSS) which JS. JS has a lot of frameworks like React, Vue, Angular, etc. for Frontend for backend you could use Node and Express . Today most of developers choose React or Vue after learning HMTL, CSS & JS, why ? will talk about this in upcoming blogs. Also if you like other domain like Mobile development no worries you can still do it with. For Mobile developers there is React Native and Vue Native. After React you can easily move to React native. So finally summing it up JS is an easy to learn and also looking at applications in wide areas this should be the language which you will learn in 2021.


Now comes the new official language for Android. Kotlin was developed by JetBrains, but in 2018 Google announced it as Official language for android.
Kotlin is derived from Java, and runs on the JVM which makes it interoperable with Java. Kotlin is also easy to learn and gives fresh start to developers who want to get started in android. Kotlin reduces the boilerplate code in java, handles the null pointer exception and you have to write almost 40% less code in Kotlin than Java. It is Open Source and has a nice documentation. It has Kotlin Multiplatform is an experimental language feature that allows you to run Kotlin in JavaScript, iOS, and native desktop applications. So for developers who want to get started with Native Android development, Kotlin is the best option for you.


Most popular language in 2020. It was initially designed by Guido van Rossum in 1991 and developed by Python Software Foundation. Python was developed before Java, but it was not used by many companies. But in recent years Python has been at its peak, because it is widely used in Artificial Intelligence, Machine Learning and Data science. Python is very very easy to learn, even if you belong to non-coding background you can easily learn Python. Python also has nice documentation and awesome and very huge set of libraries. It is widely used in Data science and Machine Learning. Django and Flask which are widely used in Web development for backend, also use python. So Python is the best option or I would say it the first and very important step for those who want to get into ML & AI.


Designed by Bjarne Stroustrup. C++ is one of the oldest programming languages. But it is still used in 2021. C++ is the fastest programming language. Also, it is considered one of the best languages for OOP. It lays a foundation for languages like Java, C#, Kotlin because all of these languages are object oriented. Moreover, due to STL, C++ is used by many programmers for Competitive coding. C++ might be somewhat difficult for beginners because there are lot of new concepts, but with practice one can definitely learn C++. C++ is widely used for gaming in Unreal Engine. Famous games like PUBG, Call of Duty are developed in Unreal engine in C++. Also, it is used in operating systems. So, if you want to be in Competitive coding or Game development C++ is best for you.


C# was developed by Microsoft as a part of its .NET . It is inspired by the languages like C,C++ and Java. C# is easy to learn if you are familiar with C, C++. It has application across wide areas like Web services , mobile applications, Game development, Augmented reality & Virtual reality in Unity software. It is widely for used for Game developers in Unity as you can integrate unity with either web or android. C# is used in Xamarin which is a framework for developing cross platform applications. In coming years AR/VR has a great future, so C# can be a very good choice for those who want to get into AR/VR.

To conclude, you are not expected to learn all of the above languages, but you can start with any one language depending on your goal and you can build some good projects also you can start using frameworks used by that particular you chose. These languages have a great demand and are used by many companies, they also have a very bright future, so you can choose any one language. Till then keep learning, keep coding.

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